Originally Posted on Likedin In June 2024
A couple of weeks ago I came back to Vicenza’s W Executive offices to hold the second session of the Team Workshop with Eleonora Ferri‘s team.
This session’s focus has been to support an already fantastic and highly collaborative team to know a little bit more about each other and share caring, authenticity and engagement.
I’ve decided to structure the session, building two moments:
🧒 Experience your child, a very intense, intimate moment where all participants showed a picture of his/her childhood, sharing happy moments we’ve recalled with a visualization exercise. Objective: knowing a little bit more about my colleague and building a positive image and attitude of everyone.
👎 Experience a failure: another very authentic moment where each participant has shared a moment of failure, sharing vulnerability and asking for 🆘 support to the team.
Why createing such a workshop?
I truly believe we have to create team dynamics where everyone is aware of his/her talent as well as limits, that is ok to have issues and is more than ok asking for support.
In my experience as a coach, I’m seeing so much stress and conflicts because we’re not able to control tensions… to “disarm”. So I believe that exploring and empathizing with other people’s issues and situations is the best way to innovate and find a better way of achievingsuccess, together.
Thanks Eleonora Ferri for having created this fantastic opportunity.
If you want to deep dive and check how I can support you and your team, let’s get in touch (click Here)